
Monday, December 3, 2012

24 Days of Christmas: Day 2

We have a lot of birthdays in the month of December.  Not only are there quite a few family birthdays, but also there are quite a few of Bub's little friends that have birthdays around this time.  Since I knew there was going to be a birthday party on this day, I planned for something that I knew wasn't going to be as time consuming for the kiddos to do for Day 2 of the Advent Tree: popsicle stick snowflake ornaments for their tree.

Again, I used things I had on hand: craft sticks, pom poms, pipe cleaners, stickers, etc.  I just emptied the contents of this awesome craft bucket that was given to Missy for a birthday present onto the table, collected other little things in our craft arsenal, and let them pick and choose what they wanted to use to decorate their snowflakes!

I tend to keep little trinkets that I think can be used for art projects.  So when the Children's Librarian included little trinkets for an art project and my kids didn't use all of them, I held onto the rest.  When jewels fall off of tiaras (or tiaras get stepped on and crushed into a million pieces) I collect them and put them into the craft drawers.  Empty toilet paper rolls? Yup! I have a bag of those too!! You never know what a child might see them as and even just pretending they are pirates with a telescope can lead to loads of entertainment!

I did purchase some glitter the night before.  What is a homemade snowflake without glitter?!

In the end, they only used a few of the different things and glitter was the biggest hit!  The hubs and I each helped a child glue and stick and glitter-ize their snowflakes.

I apologize for the quality of the photos.  My camera was not cooperating and I ended up using just my phone... in a not-well-lit room.  Oh well... live and learn.  :)  

Missy, at first, took too long sprinkling the glitter on the first spoke and the glue began drying.  

She then tried pinching it and sprinkling it on, but she hated the mess that it made.  So... she dictated where each and every dot of glue went and which color went on which spoke.  She is such a detail oriented person. :)

Bub pointed out where things went and intently watched the glittering part.  He has never seen glitter in action from what I can recall... so this was new to him!

After they were done decorating and before the glue was completely dry, I hot-glued a ribbon loop to the back to hang them from.  I recommend waiting until the glue dries.  There is no other way around making a mess and/or getting hot glue all over your fingers.  I think that they turned out fabulous!

Each kiddo got to hang their own ornament on their tree. 

Bub simply shoved his onto the top of the craft cart... glitter side down. :/ And then exclaimed, "I did it!!" while throwing hands up in the air!  It was so cute how proud of himself he was!  Even if that meant I had to clean smeared glitter and glue off of my beloved table runner.  

Their tree now has their first ornaments on it!! They are so excited!

Here is a close-up of each:

I love how cheery they are! And they totally work with their garland!  

Until next time!
