
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Over the past year, the word "legacy" has been on my mind a lot.  Earlier this summer, I was at a farewell luncheon for a family that was moving on to a new state and job. We were guests at the church for VBS Sunday and although we had only just met the family, it was obvious that they were leaving behind an amazing legacy at the church as well as in the community in which we live. The couple had begun a preschool and the county's mom's club, as well as many programs within the church. They have a huge passion for family and community and it's contagious!

My sister has also left behind a huge legacy around the country with her kind, gentle-hearted spirit and her carseat advocacy. I am still meeting people online that knew of her and were touched by her.  One of her friends recently wrote an amazing blog post about child passenger safety.  If you have children or transport children, you should definitely check out this post.  Diana's friend, Bree, is very knowledgeable and communicated wonderfully the ins and outs and importance of following more than just the law (which is extremely outdated) but also the recommendations made by the people and organizations who know their stuff.  Diana's passion about safety of all children was contagious!  You couldn't listen to her talk about it and walk away and not wonder if you were doing everything in your power to make sure your children are as safe as they can be.  If there is one thing we can learn about "The Accident" it is that no matter how safe YOU are as a driver, you can't predict how OTHERS are going to drive, so we need to take any necessary precaution we can.

One thing that has come across my mind time and time again is 'What kind of legacy am I leaving?'  If I am taken from this world tomorrow, would people even notice?  If you were to leave this world, what kind of legacy would you leave behind?  Would you be remembered as a kind, caring, loving individual? Or would you be remembered as a selfish individual who couldn't be troubled to take the time to help someone else?  What are you doing for the greater good? What are you passionate about and are you sharing that passion? 

What kind of legacy are you creating? 

Until next time,

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  1. I've only known uiu & your little family for 1.5yrs & I love you guys. I didn't personally know Diana but she was super nice & made a big impact on my life. You seem to be A LOT like her & you have impacted my life as well. I'm not sure about anyone else but I can personally say I would most definitely miss you & speak of you often. <3
    -Jen D.

  2. I would totally miss you and your intelligent self! Lol. I think we have in common a lot of things, some of which i will mention here and think you would be remembered the same way and more. I however would not think too much about this, be yourself, do what you can and you will touch other's lives as you already have.
    To answer your question without sounding cocky ... Lol. I have thought of this many times before ... Especially when doing things for people. I am the person who gets out of her way to help family or friends or even the guy from the lawn (I used him as an example for a reason) and its not always convenient because some things happen short notice or I really can't do it and I still manage to say yes. I get frustrated with myself and just say : I don't do this for any type of credit but I hope you are seeing this God.
    This is especially the case when you do this for friends that you know wouldn't do it for you or anyone. I'm just naturally driven to do what I can, to help. I know 2 wrongs don't do any good so I continue to be myself.
    And then within my immediate family, and really good friends I have been one of the very few stay at home moms since they were born and they admire me (sometimes too much,lol... thats when they come and for that. They know our kids are always first and they know we understand our time will come and we are happy an at peace with that. Having said that, I really think that within my family and friends I would be remembered like that; like a strong, caring and passionate woman and I couldn't ask for anything else.
    Sorry for any typos* I'm in my phone.
